Beekdalbreed Hermeanderen | Joris Eekhout

Beekdalbreed Hermeanderen

In this research project I worked together with stream restoration practitioners from 5 Dutch water boards and scientists from 3 universities to develop and monitor new stream restoration strategies. The project involved the monitoring of so-called re-meander projects, where a new sinuous channel planform was constructed in a lowered floodplain. Several of these projects I surveyed to obtain data for my PhD research. The project also involved several field sites where large woody debris was (re)introduced into the stream, to increase the amount of large structures and to increase the variation in flow velocity. Within the project I collaborated with two other PhD students, Jan de Brouwer from Alterra and Rob Fraaije from Utrecht University.

Reference streams

In September and October 2011 we performed a field campaign in central Poland. The aim of this field campaign was to characterize reference conditions for lowland streams. Based on an initial survey, we selected four lowland streams which were morphologically undisturbed. At these four streams, we performed a series of measurements to characterize the morphology, hydrology and ecology of undisturbed lowland streams. These measurements included a bathymetrical survey, habitat mapping, flow velocity measurements, sediment sampling, macroinvertebrate sampling, vegetation mapping and continuous waterlevel, water temperature and light measurements. Below you will find photos of the field sites.

Related Publications

Macroinvertebrate taxonomical and trait-based responses to large wood re-introduction in lowland streams

JHF De Brouwer, PFM Verdonschot, JPC Eekhout and RCM Verdonschot

Freshwater Science 39 (4): 2020

Flow thresholds for leaf retention in hydrodynamic wakes downstream of obstacles

JHF de Brouwer, JPC Eekhout, AA Besse-Lototskaya, AJF Hoitink, CJF Ter Braak and PFM Verdonschot

Ecohydrology 10 (7): e1883, 2017

Beekdalbreed hermeanderen: Bouwstenen voor de 'Leidraad voor innovatief beek- en beekdalherstel'

PFM Verdonschot, AA Besse-Lototskaya, JHF de Brouwer, JPC Eekhout and RGA Fraaije

STOWA 2012-36: 56 p., 2012

Related Presentations

Biological and physical conditions of macroinvertebrates in reference lowland streams

JHF de Brouwer, JPC Eekhout and PFM Verdonschot

EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria

April 17-22, 2016

Watch Presentation